14 year old raises funds for maintenance

14 year old Samantha Falcon of The Sacred Heart Convent, Connecticut, USA IMG_2943on hearing of the drought in South Africa and the desperate need for reliable clean drinking water for the rural poor decided to embark on a fund raising drive and chose to help Roundabout Water Solutions with the maintenance of their existing PlayPumps.

Sam, whose parents were born in Johannesburg, South Africa, contacted Roundabout Water Solutions and asked how she could help, and how much she needed to raise to ensure a PlayPump would be back to working order.  She was amazed when we told her we only needed $800 and immediately started asking family and friends to help.

DSCN1613Within three months Sam had exceeded her target, which enabled us to respond immediately to a report telling us that the PlayPump at a Crèche in the Winterveld area of the North West Province rod’s had developed leaks and needed replacing.  This PlayPump not only provides clean drinking water to the Crèche but also the local community in this drought striken area.  Sam said to us “Raising money for Playpumps was an enriching experience for me and it made me truly realize how lucky I am and that even though I helped provide such a simple necessity to these people, it makes such a difference in their lives. The roundabout brings such happiness to the children which was so special to see“.

SAMSUNG CAMERA PICTURES With the funds raised by Sam we have not only maintained the PlayPump at the Crèche but we are also able to maintain another PlayPump.

Our very grateful thanks to Samanatha, and all those people who supported her fund raising drive.  Her enthusiasm and hard work has ensured that the Crèche and the local community members now have reliable water.




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